
Ovarian cancer – symptoms, and treatment

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Ovarian cancer – symptoms, and treatment

The female organs that produce eggs are called ovaries and Ovarian cancer is the growth of abnormal cells predominantly, in the ovaries. Any cancer starts to grow when there is an abnormal production of mutated cells in any part of the body. Previously, it was believed that ovarian cancers start in the ovaries but recently there has been evidence to suggest that this cancer might start at the far end of the fallopian tube as well. Knowing where cancer began and the cells it has affected will help in deciding the best ovarian cancer treatment in India. There are three different cells found in the ovaries and each of them has the possibility of developing into a tumor:
  1. The cells in the structural tissue holding the ovaries produce progesterone and estrogen and this is where stromal tumors begin.
  2. Germ cell tumors start in the ova, or the cells producing eggs and this tends to happen at a very young age.
  3. The cells covering the outer region of the ovaries are the epithelial cells the tumor that starts here is known as the epithelial tumor and it is the most common of ovarian cancers.
  4. Fallopian tube cancer is another form, quite similar to the epithelial tumor where cancer begins in the tube carrying the egg to the uterus.
Some tumors in the ovaries are benign and do not go beyond the ovaries. The malignant or the less malignant ones can metastasize to other organs and become dangerous. The diagnosis of the type of cancer will help in deciding the right ovarian cancer treatment in India.

Symptoms of ovarian cancer

The symptoms of ovarian cancer are not noticeable in the beginning stage and the symptoms are usually attributed to other common issues.
  • Swelling or bloating of the abdominal region.
  • Feeling full with very little eating.
  • Unnatural weight loss.
  • The pelvic area feels uncomfortable.
  • Extreme fatigue.
  • Pain in the back
  • Constipation and other changes in bowel movement.
  • Frequent urge for urination.
While these are common symptoms of other conditions as well, it is better to consult a doctor to leave out any cause of worry and to seek the right ovarian cancer treatment in India. As with every other cancer, there is no specific cause or reason why the cells mutate in and near the ovaries causing cancer.

Risk factors leading to Ovarian cancer

  • Aging is a natural process but it also increases your chance of getting ovarian cancer. It is diagnosed more in older women.
  • A few percentages of this cancer are also passed through genes from parents to children. The genes that increase the chance of this cancer are the same as the ones that cause breast cancer, BRCA1 and BRCA2.
  • If there is a family history of any blood relative who has had ovarian cancer, then it increases the possibility of getting this cancer.
  • Obesity also increases the chance of getting ovarian cancer.
  • Those who undergo hormone replacement therapy to fight postmenopausal symptoms pose a higher risk.
  • People who have Endometriosis, also stand a higher risk of contracting ovarian cancer.
  • Early menstruation or late menopause can also be a cause or factor contributing to ovarian cancer.
  • Women who have never been pregnant also face the risk of contracting ovarian cancer.
While these are risk factors, these are not the only factors for this disease and there might be some other reason also attributing to this. However, ovarian cancer treatment in India will not depend on these risk factors but more on the type of cancer and the stage of cancer.

Diagnosis and ovarian cancer treatment in India

The diagnosis of ovarian cancer is done through a pelvic examination, where the physical examination is carried out by the doctor to check for any abnormalities. Other testing includes imaging and blood tests to check the overall health of the individual. Some doctors might want to remove the ovary to test it for cancer if the other symptoms or exams do not yield a result. Genetic changes are also examined to see if there is any mutation of DNA that can result in ovarian cancer. Ovarian cancer treatment in India involves a combination of chemotherapy and surgery as would be prescribed by the doctor.

Surgeries would include,

  • Removal of one ovary for cancer at its early stage when it has affected only one ovary. Sometimes even the fallopian tube attached to the ovary is removed to avoid cancer from spreading.
  • If cancer is present in both ovaries, both are removed through surgery along with the fallopian tubes. This would make sure that your uterus remains intact and that the possibility of pregnancy remains through your frozen embryo or donor eggs.
  • In case of extensive cancer, both the ovaries and the uterus is removed through surgery along with fallopian tubes, the corresponding lymph nodes, the omentum, or the fatty tissue in the abdomen.
  • Sometimes surgery is performed after chemotherapy to shrink the size of the tumor or after the surgery to remove any residual cancer cells.
Other therapies involved in ovarian cancer treatment in India include,
  • Chemotherapy which involves the usage of drugs through a pill or on IV is also used for treating cancer. It is used mostly after surgeries to kill any residual cancer cells or before surgery to shrink the tumor size.
  • Targeting specific weaknesses of the cancer cells, the targeted therapy is used with certain drugs and your doctor will decide on the best course of action.
  • Some cancer cells use estrogen for their growth and reproduction. This is why using hormone therapy which targets helping hormones, blocking them, and eventually killing cancer cells might be a fruitful option.
  • Using the body’s immune system to fight against the illness is carried out under immunotherapy. This therapy interferes with the process of production of proteins by the cancer cells in our bodies.
To get additional information about ovarian cancer treatment in India, connect to Tripo Heal to get more information.

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