
Hydatid Cysts Treatments in India

Hydatid Cysts Surgery in India

Hydatid Cysts Treatments in India

Hydatid Cysts (Cysts in Lung) Symptoms and Treatment

Cyst (hydatid cysts) in the lung is also referred to as echinococcosis or echinococcal disease. It results from an infection due to a tapeworm of genus Echinococcus. The disease may produce cysts in the liver, lungs, brain and other organs. It is seen in both men and women.

Symptoms of Hydatid Cysts

The hydatid cyst of lung cause cough, chest pain and hemoptysis (coughing up blood).

Diagnosis of Hydatid Cysts

Diagnosis for hydatid cyst of lung is confirmed by X-rays, CT Scan and serological tests.

Surgical Treatment of Hydatid Cysts

Treatment for hydatid cyst of lung initially is by drugs like albendazole, however, Cure can be achieved only by complete surgical removal of the cyst, which can now be done by Open, or preferably, VATS or Robotic Surgery.

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